"And That's Why We Love Tomorrow"
"Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you tomorrow..." my mom would softly sing while tending to tasks around the house when I was younger. I remember how mesmerized I was by those few words, picturing the original singer and wondering what could excite them so deeply about a day that had yet to arrive. Imagine my surprise when my mom finally introduced us to the red-haired, freckled orphan, Annie, who made the song a timeless classic. For those of you who may not know the song, here's a snippet: Just thinkin' about Tomorrow Clears away the cobwebs And the sorrow 'til there's none When I'm stuck with a day That's gray and lonely I just stick out my chin And grin and say, oh The sun'll come out Tomorrow So ya gotta hang on 'Til tomorrow, come what may Tomorrow, tomorrow I love ya, tomorrow You're always a day away At first listen, it may sound like a simple song, but the words are incredibly powerful and encouraging. It was my favorite son...