
Showing posts from January, 2025

"And That's Why We Love Tomorrow"

"Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you tomorrow..." my mom would softly sing while tending to tasks around the house when I was younger.  I remember how mesmerized I was by those few words, picturing the original singer and wondering what could excite them so deeply about a day that had yet to arrive. Imagine my surprise when my mom finally introduced us to the red-haired, freckled orphan, Annie, who made the song a timeless classic. For those of you who may not know the song, here's a snippet: Just thinkin' about Tomorrow Clears away the cobwebs And the sorrow 'til there's none When I'm stuck with a day That's gray and lonely I just stick out my chin And grin and say, oh The sun'll come out Tomorrow So ya gotta hang on 'Til tomorrow, come what may Tomorrow, tomorrow I love ya, tomorrow You're always a day away At first listen, it may sound like a simple song, but the words are incredibly powerful and encouraging. It was my favorite son...

So...We're Really Doing This?

"Finally!" "Took you long enough!" "What were you waiting for?"  Those are just a few of the remarks I anticipate hearing from my friends and family when I tell them I finally started putting my writing out there. To be very honest, I don't even know why I have been dragging my feet to do this. I can write the most beautiful birthday messages for loved ones for all of social media to read in awe, but somehow taking the time to write for more strangers to read was scary?? Nevertheless, here I am and I'm excited. So, here we go... My name is Vennesa, and I love to read, to write and to talk- the trifecta. However, for the longest time, I would never talk. I was very quiet- only expressive to a few people. So, writing became my voice. Everything I wasn't able to vocalize, I would splatter it in ink on paper and I was heard. Writing came naturally to me. I could pretend to have any voice when I wrote and that in and of itself was powerful. I didn...