So...We're Really Doing This?
"Finally!" "Took you long enough!" "What were you waiting for?"
Those are just a few of the remarks I anticipate hearing from my friends and family when I tell them I finally started putting my writing out there. To be very honest, I don't even know why I have been dragging my feet to do this. I can write the most beautiful birthday messages for loved ones for all of social media to read in awe, but somehow taking the time to write for more strangers to read was scary?? Nevertheless, here I am and I'm excited.
So, here we go...
My name is Vennesa, and I love to read, to write and to talk- the trifecta. However, for the longest time, I would never talk. I was very quiet- only expressive to a few people. So, writing became my voice. Everything I wasn't able to vocalize, I would splatter it in ink on paper and I was heard. Writing came naturally to me. I could pretend to have any voice when I wrote and that in and of itself was powerful. I didn't have to whisper when I wrote. I could be as confident and bold as I wanted. Over the years, I have been able to find my speaking voice and let me tell you those who are fortunate enough to be on the receiving end will tell you "Vennesa? She can taaaaaaaalk." And talk I can. I think it has something to do with all those years I had repressed my voice.
Anyhoo, I have so many thoughts that run through my mind and I decided why not further my writing by sharing some of them? Hence, the name of my blog "Confessions of God's Most Talkative Child." My faith is really important to me and it brings me so much comfort knowing that there is Someone up there who is always ready to hear from me- no matter how long-winded I may be. Obviously, I know I can't be His most talkative child, but I'm definitely up there. And, I have no shame in that whatsoever. As we go on this adventure together, I do want to preface that not all of my blog posts may incorporate my faith, but I have a feeling that a significant amount of them (like 98%) will include it. I mean it's what has gotten me through this rollercoaster ride we call life. And I would be absolutely remiss if I didn't give credit where credit is rightfully due.
Prepare to laugh, cry, sigh, wonder, roll your eyes, scratch your head (and many more things) as you embark on this journey with me. But I do hope that you allow yourself to think about life in a different way. And above all, enjoy!
Hold on tight because you are in for a ride and I'm glad you are trusting me as the driver.
Love always,
God's Most Talkative Child
Currently fastening my seatbelt! ☺️💗
DeleteThis is so good!! I’m so excited to read what’s nextttt!