Faith It Till You Make It
For the past two and a half weeks, I have been actively participating in Pastor Nathaniel Bassey's Hallelujah Challenge. I have seen this challenge for a few years circulating across social media not really thinking much about it. A few weeks ago, it randomly popped in my head that I want to experience it one day because the testimonies that come out of it are powerful. Also, it just seems like people are filled with so much joy having been part of it. Let me tell you, the hype is not futile, but true. There is something about being in your room and just praising and praying to God with hundreds of thousands around the world that is unmatched.
Day 10 of the challenge was themed “Dress Like Your Miracle.” In all my years of my walk with Christ, I've never thought to do something like that. I just thought words were enough which is ironic considering I'm such a strong proponent of actions speak louder than words. Yet there is something so profound about physically demonstrating faith- about dressing like you already have what you have been praying for. It unlocks a different level of faith.
So, the night before I was thinking: What does dressing like my miracle look like? I got excited thinking about how creative I was about to be with the things I wanted. And let me tell you, it was a surreal experience dancing like David danced dressed like my miracles. There was a joy I’ve never experienced before that I did on that day. I won’t share the details yet, but when they come to pass, I promise to testify! That experience truly brought 2 Corinthians 5:7 to life: "For we walk by faith not by sight."
This reminds me of so many common phrases: "walk into the room like you belong there," "fake it till you make it." However, there is one that stuck out to me: “Faith it till you make it." Faking it till you make it- it still gives off this notion that what you want isn't really yours because you're faking it. Whereas faithing it means you have this confidence that it's already yours, it's just a matter of when so until then you're going to move as if it was.
This mindset is actually deeply biblical. My favorite verse about prayer, Mark 11:24, says "Whatever things you ask for when you pray, believe you have it and you will receive it." When you are hopeful and optimistic about the way things will go, they tend to fall in your favor. "There is power of life and death in the tongue" (Proverbs 18:21). If we truly believe God is in control, why wouldn’t we boldly speak and act in faith over our lives?
I remember when the word "manifest" became a cultural trend. People, whether Christian or not, were eating that word up left and right. But I think people were onto something. Things were moving in their favor. They believed with unwavering confidence that things would happen, and that belief shaped their reality.
It's so sad to me that sometimes Christians, don't have that same crazy faith in the One who literally has control over everything. I know I have been guilty of this. I’ve prayed timid prayers for myself while boldly interceding for others. But why should I be afraid to pray big, audacious prayers for myself? There’s no reason for that, especially since "God is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all we ask or think" (Ephesians 3:20).
My favorite gospel song of all time is "Praise Him in Advance" - that's the kind of energy that fuels “faith it till you make it” behavior. If you’re believing for a job with a great salary, start learning how to manage your finances now. If you want a pet, clear space in your home for it. If you desire to be a husband or wife, believe you already are one and start preparing yourself to be a great spouse. When I was learning to drive, I used to watch the way other people drove with such ease and confidence and envisioned myself doing the same. That mindset shift reduced my driving anxiety significantly.
So, what does that look like for you? What does it mean for you to dress like your miracle? What does that look like for you to faith it till you make it?
Yes, it might feel awkward or even silly to act as if something has already come to pass. But that excitement and eagerness to prepare for it? That’s faith in action. As Pastor Nathaniel Bassey said, “Faith is a verb. Faith is demonstrative. You are never in faith until you step into faith.”
And trust me, when your miracle comes, you’ll be glad you prepared for it.
So, the night before I was thinking: What does dressing like my miracle look like? I got excited thinking about how creative I was about to be with the things I wanted. And let me tell you, it was a surreal experience dancing like David danced dressed like my miracles. There was a joy I’ve never experienced before that I did on that day. I won’t share the details yet, but when they come to pass, I promise to testify! That experience truly brought 2 Corinthians 5:7 to life: "For we walk by faith not by sight."
This mindset is actually deeply biblical. My favorite verse about prayer, Mark 11:24, says "Whatever things you ask for when you pray, believe you have it and you will receive it." When you are hopeful and optimistic about the way things will go, they tend to fall in your favor. "There is power of life and death in the tongue" (Proverbs 18:21). If we truly believe God is in control, why wouldn’t we boldly speak and act in faith over our lives?
I remember when the word "manifest" became a cultural trend. People, whether Christian or not, were eating that word up left and right. But I think people were onto something. Things were moving in their favor. They believed with unwavering confidence that things would happen, and that belief shaped their reality.
And trust me, when your miracle comes, you’ll be glad you prepared for it.
Love always,
God's Most Talkative Child
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